Shri Sangameshwar Education Society, Solapur
Kannada Linguistic Minority Institute
NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade (III Cycle CGPA 3.39)
Affiliated to Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur

Eminent Visitors (Psychology)

YearName of Scientist / ResearcherAffiliationTitle of session
04-08-2018 Dr. Nitin Bhoge Todays World Need of Psychology
16-10-2018Dr. H.H. Agarawal Changing Youths World Mental Health
10-12-2018Dr. Umesh Bharte Gender sensitization to Mental Health
10-12-2018Dr. Dipika Patil Depression, Anxiety Family system
09-02-2019Prof.Dr. Shivkumar ChengtiSolapur UniversityFormulation of Research Topic Aim, Objectives, Hypothesis, Variables Writing Proposal
09-02-2019Dr. Pritam BedarkarSolapur UniversityResearch Design and Sampling Methods
10-02-2019Prof. Dr. D.J. DarekarSolapur UniversityResearch Tools Data Collection
10-12-2018Dr. N.V. DeshmukhSolapur UniversityFrequently used Statistical Technique Analysis and Computer Applications
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 Saat Rasta, Solapur - 413001

 Post Box No. 52


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Updated On:30-Jan-2025
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