Shri Sangameshwar Education Society, Solapur
Kannada Linguistic Minority Institute
NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade (III Cycle CGPA 3.39)
Affiliated to Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur

Departmental Home (Zoology)

History of Department

College started in 1953 and science wing started in 1956. Department of Zoology started with special subject Zoology at final year degree course under the guidance of Mr. M. V.  Joshi in 1985- 86. Mr. Vibhute    S.M. joined the department in 1974, Mrs. Rokade A.U.joined the department in 1990. Mrs. Rokade A.U. took charge of the HOD of Dept. of Botany and Zoology in the year 2008. Up to 2011 additional charge of  botany depart ment. In the year2010 Bandalgi M.K. join  this department.  In the year  2011 Dr. Bagale M.B join this department and Mr. Patil S.S.  joined in 2016. Additional workload is run with the help of clock hour basis teachers. So every year 3 CHB support the department.

Special feature of the department.

Well maintained museum with unique and rare specimen.

Equipments related to physiological experiments are available.

Well equipped laboratory for B.Sc course

Vermicomposting certificate course.

Department maintain Avian data of Solapur district.


Sangameshwar College, Solapur, Maharashtra

 165, Railway Lines,

 Saat Rasta, Solapur - 413001

 Post Box No. 52


 Email :

 Office Phone : +91-217-2315588, Fax : +91-217-2315588

 Principal Phone : +91-217-2316688

 Computer Science Dept :- +91-217-2315566

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