Shri Sangameshwar Education Society, Solapur
Kannada Linguistic Minority Institute
NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade (III Cycle CGPA 3.39)
Affiliated to Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur

About Library

Library and Knowledge Resource Center

A college library is a student’s lifeline and a hub of campus life. It is that place that expands your learning experience, helps you conduct your research, prepare for exams, gain extra information and enhance your knowledge. Books are indeed the best friends in a student’s life. They give an insight of things and shape their life in the right direction.
The collection of the books is increased to 80768 and this year we have purchased 1468 books. Library has subscribed to more than 104 periodicals in order to provide our students the best material there is to help them become bigger and better.
The Library is kept open from morning 8.00am to 6.00pm daily on all working days and in the examination period from 8.00 am to 8.00pm. respectively.
At the best college in Solapur district, we can gladly say that there are abundant resources and study material present to help our students maximize their learning capacity. Our well equipped and furnished library holds a rich collection of printed as well as electronic resources which include books, journals, audio-visual materials, CDs, e-journals, case studies, etc.

As Stephen King has rightly pointed:
“Books are a uniquely portable magic.”

Daily on an average 750 to 800 students can avail the opportunity of reading and use of the library periodicals, journals, text and reference books,
It is indeed the place where our students can unveil the magic of learning and listed below are the resources available with us at the best academic college in Maharashtra. Resources, books and journals- Be it information and knowledge that you seek or just fond of reading about general stuff sangameshwar college has books on various subjects from distinguished and prolific writers. In fact, there is vast research material present to help you with your own research work and projects.

Other resources-Encyclopaedias, Dictionaries, CDs, newspaper clippings, research articles, project reports, Govt. reports etc. are encompassed in that magical area of our college. All these resources are fetched from various sources to support the academic program of every student studying in the Institute.
Electronic Library- Our e-Library is built to provide our students a world class online library system. It provides a single window access to all the subscribed electronic devices in the library. Moreover, N-list from INFLIBNET, Gandhinagar Gujarat.  Library has facility of resource sharing with other Libraries through e-resources.

Braille section: It has massive data of books and journals literature written by prominent writers and available through ready audio books. There is A JAWS and ANGEL Software only for visually challenged students.
So, get going you all and make the most of these resources available at the top academic colleges in Maharashtra.

This academic year Dr.Vijaykumar N. Mulimani has become the chairman of the Board of Studies in the Department of Library and Information Science, Solapur University Solapur.

The library activities and  best practices are as follows:

1. Newly started the B.Lib and I.Sc regular  course affiliated to Solapur University,Solapur,from the academic year 2017-18.
2. Organised One day International Interdisciplinary Conference on the theme “Enhancing Research Skills: Role of Libraries”
3. Library Orientation Programme
4. Reading habits for college students
5. Book exhibition on 15th September ,on the occasion of Birth anniversary of Late M.B.Kadadi the founder member of the SSE society’s, Sangameshwar college Solapur.
6.Earn and Learn scheme for needy students of the college.
8. Book Loan scheme, Home issue section for the students.
9. QR code is used to get the online newspapers, previous university question papers,National Digital Library for easy access to all the students.

Library Visitors Count :97779

Sangameshwar College, Solapur, Maharashtra

 165, Railway Lines,

 Saat Rasta, Solapur - 413001

 Post Box No. 52


 Email :

 Office Phone : +91-217-2315588, Fax : +91-217-2315588

 Principal Phone : +91-217-2316688

 Computer Science Dept :- +91-217-2315566

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Designed and Developed By Management and Computer Science Department, Sangameshwar College, Solapur
Updated On:13-Mar-2025
No. of Visitors: 8423144