Shri Sangameshwar Education Society, Solapur
Kannada Linguistic Minority Institute
NAAC Accredited with 'A' Grade (III Cycle CGPA 3.39)
Affiliated to Punyashlok Ahilyadevi Holkar Solapur University, Solapur

Courses and Syllabus (Economics)











NAAC Accredited-2015

‘B’ Grade (CGPA 2.62)



Name of the Faculty:

Commerce & Management



Name of the BOS:

Business Economics



Name of the Course:

B. Com III - (Semester: V &VI)



Title of the Paper:

Business Economics-III



Syllabus Pattern:

Choice Based Credit System





With effect from:



Title of the Course: B. Com III

Title of the Paper: Business Economics -III


Total Theory Lectures-(60per Semester)



The study of economic development has gained importance because of sustained interest of the developing countries in uplifting their economic conditions by restructuring their economies to acquire greater diversity, efficiency and equity in consonance with their priorities. So the students must learn about the measurement, factors of economic development and various theories of development. At the same time students must learn about Indian economic development with respect to Indian planning, the role of foreign capital and International financial institutes.

Keeping in mind the above things the topics of the paper arranged in this direction. First semester syllabus introduce the development part at macro level where the second semester syllabus concentrate on Indian development and planning.


Semester: V                                                               Theory Lectures


Unit No: 1- Economic Growth and Development                                            (15)

1.1    Meaning and Concept of Economic Growth and Development

1.2 Difference between Economic Growth andDevelopment

1.3 Measurement of Economic Development

1.4 Factors affecting Economic Development


Unit No: 2- Theories of Economic Growth and Development                                  (15)

2.1  David Ricardo’s Theory of Economic Development

2.2  Malthusian Theory of Economic Development

2.3  W.W. Rostow’s Theory of Economic Growth

2.4 Arthur Lewis Theory of Unlimited Supply of Labour


Unit No:3-Human Resource and Economic Development                           (15)

3.1 Concept of Human Resource Development

3.2 Role of Human Resource in Economic Development

3.3 Human Development Index

3.4 Human Poverty Index, Multidimensional Poverty Index


Unit No: 4- Problems of Economic Growth                                                       (15)

4.1  Unemployment- Meaning, Types, Causes and Measures

4.2  Poverty- Meaning, Types, Causes and Measures

4.3  Economic Inequality- Meaning, Causes and Measures

4.4  Parallel Economy- Meaning, Causes and Measures


Semester: VI                                                              Theory Lectures

Unit No: 1- Indian Planning and Development                                                          (15)

1.1        Meaning, Concepts and History of Indian Planning

1.2         Objectives of Indian Planning

1.3         Evaluation of Indian Planning

 1.4  Niti Aayog: Structure and Objectives


Unit No: 2- Foreign Capital                                                                                   (15)

2.1   Meaning and Types of Foreign Capital

2.2   Importance of Foreign Capital

2.3   Size and Composition of Foreign Capital in India

2.4 Problems of Foreign Capital


Unit No: 3- New Economic Policy                                                                                   (15)

3.1  Balance of Payment Crises in India –Before 1990

3.2 Meaning and Concepts of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization


3.3 Features of New Economic Policy and Its Impact on Indian Economy

3.4 Meaning and Concepts of TRIPS(




Unit No: 4- International Institutions and India’s Economic Development(15)

            4.1 International Monetary Fund (IMF): It’s Objectives & Role; Contribution to

                  India’s development

            4.2 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD): It’s

Objectives & Role; Contribution to India’s development

            4.3 World Trade Organisation (WTO): Objectives & Role

            4.4  BRICS: Objectives & Role



List of Reference Books:

1.      Indian Economy since Independence, by Uma Kapila, Academic Foundation.

2.      Indian Economy, Performance and Policies by Deepashree, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.

3.      Indian Economy, by Datt R. & K. P. M. Sundaram, S. C.hand & Co.

4.      Indian Economy by Mishra S. K. & V. K. Puri, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai

5.      Dilemmas of Growth: The Indian Experience, by Dantwala, M.L., Sage Publications, New Delhi.

6.      Development Planning: The Indian Experience, by Chakravarty, S. Oxford University Press, New Delhi.

7.      The Indian Economy Problem and Prospectus, by Jalan B., Viking, New Delhi.

8.      Govt. of India – Economic Survey Reports.

9.      Growth and Development, by Thiriwal A.P., Macmillian London.

10.  Economic Development and Planning, by Zingan M.L.

11.  Economic Development, Higgins B.

12.  ³ÖÖ¸üŸÖßµÖ †£ÖÔ¾µÖ¾ÖãÖÖ: ÆãÓü›êüú¸ü, ¿ÖÆüÖ ¾Ö ú¤ü´Ö, †Ö¸ü»ÖêÖÓ ¯ÖύúÖ¿Ö­Ö

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Equivalent Subject for Old Syllabus



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NAAC Accredited-2015

‘B’ Grade (CGPA 2.62)

Name of the Faculty



(Choice Bases Credit System)

Name of the Course

B. A. III Economics

With effect from June 2018-19

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B.A. Part – III

Subject – Economics

Semester Pattern Syllabus (CBCS)

(To be introduced from June, 2018)


Paper - VII : Micro Economics (I) [Credits: Theory-(4 ), Practicals-(-)]

Paper - VIII : Macro Economics (I) [Credits: Theory-(4 ), Practicals-(-)]

Paper – IX : History of Economic Thought (I) [Credits: Theory-(4 ), Practicals-(-)]

Paper - X : Economics of Development [Credits: Theory-(4 ), Practicals-(-)]

Paper - XI : Agricultural Economics (I) [Credits: Theory-(4 ), Practicals-(-)]


Paper - XII : Micro Economics (II) [Credits: Theory-(4 ), Practicals-(-)]

Paper - XIII : Macro Economics (II) [Credits: Theory-(4 ), Practicals-(-)]

Paper -XIV : History of Economic Thought (II) [Credits: Theory-(4 ), Practicals-(-)]

Paper - XV: Research Methodology [Credits: Theory-(4 ), Practicals-(-)]

Paper - XVI : Agricultural Economics (II) [Credits: Theory-(4 ), Practicals-(-)]

Page 3 of 22

Objectives of Course:

1. To expose the students to the basic principles of Micro and Macro Economic Theory and

also to introduce basics of Research Methodology.

2. The emphasis will be on thinking like an economist and the course will illustrate how

microeconomic concepts can be applied to the market.

3. This course aims to introduce the students to the basic concepts of Economics.

Macroeconomics deals with the aggregate economy. This course discusses the preliminary

concepts associated with the determination and measurement of aggregate macroeconomic

variables like savings, investment, GDP, money, inflation, and the balance of payments.

4. This course looks at the behaviour of the consumer and the producer and also covers the

behaviour of a firm.

5. It introduces the students to various issues related to an Agricultural Economics.

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B.A. Part.-III Economics


(Paper – VII) Micro Economics (I)

Semester pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)


As a foundation course, in this paper, student is expected to understand the behavior of an

economic agent, namely a consumer, a producer, a factor owner and the price fluctuation in

a market. The approach of this paper is to study the behavior of a unit and analyze it in

general, static and partial equilibrium framework. The modules incorporated in this paper

deal with the nature and scope of economics, the theory of consumer behavior, analysis of

production function and equilibrium of producer, the price formation in different markets,

structures and the equilibrium of a firm and industry. In addition, the principles of factor

pricing and commodity pricing, the problem of investment and welfare economics have also

been included.

Module 1 : Introduction (Lectures:20)

1.1 Definition, Nature and scope of Economics

1.2 Micro & Macro Economics: Meaning and Difference

1.3 Choice as Economic problem, Basic Economic Problems

1.4 Basic Assumptions of Economic Analysis

Module 2 : Consumer’s Behavior (Lectures:20)

2.1 Concept of Utility: Meaning, Total and Marginal Utility, Cardinal utility

analysis – Law of diminishing marginal utility, Law of equi-marginal utility

2.2 Concept of consumer’s surplus, Defects of Cardinal utility analysis

2.3 Law of demand, Elasticity of demand - Types, measurement and importance.

2.4 Ordinal utility analysis – Meaning and Properties of Indifference curve,

indifference curve and consumer’s equilibrium.

Module 3 : Theory of production and cost (Lectures:20)

3.1 Law of Supply

3.2 Concept of Production function

3.3 Law of variable proportions and Law of returns to scale

3.4 Economies of scale, Concepts of cost and cost curves (MC/AC/TC), Concepts

of Revenue (MR/AR/TR)

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B.A. Part.-III Economics


(Paper – XII) Micro Economics (II)

Semester pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)

Module 1 : Market Structure (Lectures:20)

1.1 Perfect competition - characteristics and price determination

1.2 Monopoly - Characteristics, price determination - concept and

types of price discrimination

1.3 Characteristics of monopolistic competition - selling cost and

product differentiation

1.4 Concept of monopsony and bi-lateral monopoly

Module 2 : Factor Pricing (Lectures:20)

2.1 Marginal productivity theory of distribution, Demand and supply theory of

wage determination, Causes of wage differentials

2.2 Rent : Ricardian and Modern theory of Rent

2.3 Interest : Classical and Keynesian theory of interest

2.4 Profit : Risk, Uncertainty and Innovation theory of profit

Module 3 : Welfare Economics (Lectures:20)

3.1 Welfare Economics: Meaning and Scope

3.2 Problems in measuring Economic welfare

3.3 Classical welfare Economics

3.4 Compensation principle

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Basic Reading List

Micro – Economics

• Lipsey R.G. and Chrystal (1999) Principles of Economics (Latest edition) Oxford

University Press. Oxford.

• Samuelson P.A. and W.D. Nordhaus (1998) Economics; Tata McGraw Hill, New


• Stonier A.W. and D.C. Hague. A text Book of Economic Theory. ELBS and

Longman group, London.

• Seth M.L- Principles of Economics.

• Dwett K. K.- Principles of Economics.

• H. L. Ahuja – Advanced Economic Theory, S. Chand Publications, New Delhi

• H. L. Ahuja- Principles of Micro Economics, S. Chand Publications, New Delhi

• Jhingan M. L.- Modern Micro Economic Analysis, Vrinda Publications, New Delhi

• Koutsoyannis A.- Modern Micro Economics, McMillon Press, London

• देसाई व जोशी - आथक व िवेषण भाग 1

• कृणाराव पाटील - आथक िवेषण

• पपरकर - मू!य िस#दांत

• खांदेवाले 'ीिनवास - मू!य िस#दांत

• अशंल*ी अथ+शास, - भोसले, काटे, दामजी

• अंशल*ी अथ+शा. - एम. एन. शदे

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B.A. Part III – Economics


(Paper – VIII) Macro Economics (I)

Semester pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)


On account of the growing influence and involvement of the state in economic fields,

macroeconomics has become a major area of economic analysis in terms of theoretical as

well as policy-making issues. Microeconomics has an extensive, substantive as well as

methodological content. It deals with the functioning of the economy as a whole, including

how the economy’s total output of goods and services and employment of resources is

determined and what causes these totals to fluctuate. The canvass of the study is the whole

rather than the part because what is true for the part is not necessarily true for the whole.

The paper entitled “Macroeconomics” is designed to make an undergraduate student aware

of the basic theoretical framework underlying the field of macro economics.


Module 1 : Macro Economics (Lectures:15)

1.1 Meaning of Macro Economics

1.2 Nature and Scope of Macro Economics

1.3 Importance of Macro Economics

1.4 Limitations of Macro Economics

Module 2 : National Income (Lectures:15)

2.1 Meaning and Different concepts of National Income, concept of circular flow of

National Income

2.2 Measurement of National Income

2.3 Hurdles in measurement of National Income

2.4 Importance of National Income Data

Module 3 : Output and Employment (Lectures:15)

3.1 Say’s law of market

3.2 Keynesian objection to the classical theory

3.3 Outline of Keynesian theory of employment

3.4 Consumption function, Average and Marginal Propensity to Consume, Keynesian

Psychological Law of Consumption.

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Module 4: Demand and Supply of Money (Lectures:15)

4.1 Classical approach to demand for money, Quantity Theory and Cash balance approach

4.2 Keynes’ Liquidity Preference Approach

4.3 Components of money supply, factors affecting money supply

4.4 Control of money supply

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B.A. Part III – Economics


(Paper – XIII) Macro Economics (II)

Semester pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)

Module 1 : Trade Cycles (Lectures:15)

1.1 Nature, phases and characteristics of trade cycle

1.2 Hawtrey’s monetary theory of trade cycle

1.3 Schumpeter’s theory of trade cycle.

1.4 Control of trade cycle

Module 2 : Economic Growth (Lectures:15)

2.1 Meaning and indicators of Economic growth

2.2 Sources of growth

2.3 Growth models: Harrod -Domar model

2.4 Neo – classical growth model of Solow

Module 3 : International Trade (Lectures:15)

3.1 Internal and international trade

3.2 International trade as an engine of Economic growth

3.3 Concepts and components of balance of trade & balance

of payments

3.4 Recardian theory of international trade

Module 4: Inflation (Lectures:15)

4.1 Meaning and Causes of inflation

4.2 Effects of inflation

4.3 Inflation and Economic Development

4.4 Phillips Curve

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Basic Reading List

Macro – Economics

• Ackley , G. (1976), Macro Economics : Theory and Policy

• Day, A.C.L. (1960) Outline of Monetary Economics

• Gupta, S.B. (1994) Monetary Economics

• Heijdra, B.J. and F.V. Ploeg (2001) , Foundations of Modern Macro Economics

• Lewis, M.K. and P.D. Mizan (2000), Monetary Economics

• Shapiro, E. (1996), Macro Economics Analysis

• Dillard, D. (1960), The Economics of John Maynard Keynes

• Hanson, A.H.(1953), A Guide to Keynes

• Higgins, B. (1963), Economic Development : Principles, Problems and Policies

• Keynes, J.M. (1936), The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money

• 1थूल अथ+शा. - भोसले, काटे, दामजी

• सम2 आथक िवेषण - डॉ. जे. एफ. पाटील संपादीत

• 1थूल अथ+शा. - एम. एन. शदे

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B.A. Part III – Economics


(Paper – XI) History of Economic Thought (I)

Semester pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)


This course is essential for a student who aspires for advanced training in economics.

Contemporary economic science has evolved over many centuries. The evolution of

economic ideas in each instance was as much a response to immediate economic problems

and policy issues as much as it was a self–conscious attempt to refine earlier analysis by

correcting mistakes and filling in the gaps in analysis. Economic ideas did not evolve in

isolation, but were an integral and important part of the evolution of modern social thought.

Prevailing ideas of science, scientific rigor and measurement played a significant role in

shaping of economic science at each stage of its evolution. This course, tracing the history

of economic thought, would enable the student to understand how contemporary economics

came to be what it is.


Module 1 : Early Period (Lectures:15)

1.1 Mercantilism - Main characteristics of mercantilism

1.2 Causes of rise of mercantilism

1.3 Physiocracy - natural order, primacy of agriculture, social classes

1.4 Causes of rise of physiocracy

Module 2 : Economic Contributions (Lectures:15)

2.1 Adam Smith - naturalism and optimism, division of labour, theory of value, capital

accumulation, distribution, views on trade

2.2 David Ricardo – theory of value, theory of distribution,

2.3 Thomas R. Malthus – theory of gluts

2.4 J. B. Say: Say’s Law of Market

Module 3: Friedrich List and Karl Marx (Lectures:15)

3.1 Friedrich List: Criticism on classical ideas, Theory of Economic Nationalism

3.2 Theory of Protectionism, Characteristics of the policy of protection

3.3 Karl Marx: Concept of scientific socialism, Dynamics of social change, Theory of


3.4 Surplus value, profit and crisis of capitalism

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Module 4: Marginalists (Lectures:15)

4.1 Contributions of marginalists

4.2 William Jevons

4.3 Bohm Bawark

4.4 Carl Menger

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B.A. Part III – Economics


(Paper – XIV) History of Economic Thought (II)

CBCS pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)

Module 1: Alfred Marshall (Lectures:15)

1.1 Marshall as a great synthesizer

1.2 Marshall’s views on utility, production and distribution

1.3 Marshall’s theory of value. Role of Time element

1.4 Marshall’s views on Marginal Utility and Demand, Internal Economies and External


Module 2: Keynesian Ideas (Lectures:15)

2.1Keynesian theory of employment

2.2 Effective demand

2.3 Role of fiscal policy

2.4 Deficit spending and public works

Module 3: Joseph Schumpeter (Lectures:15)

3.1 Process of capitalist development

3.2 Thoughts on business cycle

3.3 Destruction of capitalism

3.4 Innovation theory of profit

Module 4: Indian Economic Thought (Lectures:15)

4.1 Kautilya: Role of government in economy, government revenue and expenditure

4.2 Economic ideas of Mahatma Gandhi - village industry, use of machinery, swadeshi


4.3 Economic ideas of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar- state socialism, Problem of rupee

4.4 Economic ideas of Amartya Sen- social choice and capability, poverty.

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Basic Reading List

• Ganguli B.N. (1977) Indian Economic thought A 19th century

perspective, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

• Gide c and G. Rist (1956) A history of Economic Doctrines (2nd

Edition) George Harrop and co. London

• Grey A and A.E. Thomson (1980) The development of Economic

• Doctrine (2nd Edition) Longmun Group London

• Roller (1973) A history of Economic thought Faber, London

• Blaug M (1997) Economic Theory in Retrospect. A History of

• Economic Thought from Adam Smith to J.M. Keynes (5th Edition)

• Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

• Haney – History of Economic Thought

• Desai S.M. - History of Economic Thought

• Bhatia, History of Economic Thought

• Hajela, History of Economic Thought

• V. Loknathan A History of Economic Thought

• Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar writing and speeches vol. 6, education

Department, Gov. of Maharashtra

• Gandhi M.K. (1947) India of my Dreams, Navjivan Publishing

House, Ahmedabad

• आथक िवचारांचा इितहास - आर.एम. गोखले.

• आथक िवचारांचा इितहास - रायखेलकर.

• आथक िवचारांचा इितहास - भोसले, काटे, दामजी.

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B.A. Part III – Economics


(Paper – X) Economics of Development

Semester pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)


Modules incorporated in this paper would enable the students to know about theories

of growth and development, sectoral aspects of development, investment criteria, allocation

of resources, interrelation of international trade and development, domestic macro policies,

international aspects of development and the issues relating to sustainable development also

find their due place in the modules. This paper also attempts to enable students with the

research methodology in economics.


Module 1: Economic Growth and Development (Lectures:15)

1.1 Concept of economic growth and development

1.2 Meaning of underdevelopment

1.3 Characteristics of underdeveloped countries

1.4 Obstacles to economic development

Module 2: Theories of Economic Development (Lectures:15)

2.1 Adam Smith and Recardian theory

2.2 Big push theory of development

2.3 W. W. Rostow’s stages of economic growth

2.4 Arthur Lewis : Unlimited Supply of Labour

Module 3: Sectoral View of Development (Lectures:15)

3.1 Role of agriculture in economic development, New technology and Sustainable


3.2 Impact of Globalization on agricultural growth

3.3 Role of industrialization in economic development

3.4 Role of Service Sector in economic development

Module 4: Resources for Economic Development (Lectures:15)

4.1 Capital formation and economic development

4.2 Role of human capital in economic development

4.3 Institutional structure and economic development

4.4 Role of state in economic development

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Basic Reading List

• Adelman, I. (1961), Theories of economic growth & development, Stanford University Press,


• Behrman, S & T.N. Srinivasan (1995), Handbook of development economics, Vol. 3,


• Brown, M. (1966), On the Theory & Measurement of Technical changes, Cambridge University

Press, Cambridge, Mass.

• Chenery H., & T. N. Srinivasan (Eds) (1989), Handbook of Development Economics, Vol. 1 &

2, Elsevire, Amsterdam.

• Dasgupta, P. (1993), An enquiry in Well – being Destitution, Clarendon Press Oxford.

• Ghatak, S. (1986), An Introduction to Development Economics, Allen & Unwin, London.

• Gillis, M.D.H. Perkins, M. Romer & D.R. Snodgrass (1992), Economics of Development, (3rd

Edition),W.W. Norton, New York.

• Gimmell, N. (1987), Surveys in Development Economics, Blackwell, Oxford.

• Higgins, B. (1959), Economic Development, W.W. Norton, New York.

• Hogendorn, J. (1996), Economic Development, Addison, Wesley, New York.

• Kahkonon, S & Molson (2000), A new Institutional Approach to Economic Development,


• Kindleberger, C.P. (1977), Economic Development (3rd Edition), McGraw Hill New York.

• Meier, G.M. (1995), Leading Issues in Economic Development, (6th Edition, Oxford University,

Press, New Delhi.

• Myint, Hla (1965), The Economics of Underdeveloped Countries, Preager New York.

• Myint, H. (1971), Economic Theory and Underdeveloped countries, Oxford University Press,

New York.

• Todaro, M.P. (1996), (6th Edition), Growth & Development, Macmilln U.K.

• Barrell, G.G. Mason & M.O. Mahony (2000), Productivity, Innovation & Economic

Perfromance, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

• Barrow, R. & X sela – I, Martin, Economic Growth, McGraw Hill, New York.

• Chakraverti, S. (1982), Alternative Approaches to the Theory of Economic Growth, Oxford

University Press, New Delhi.

• Hayami, Y. (1997), Development Economics, Oxford University Press, New York.

• Meadown, D.H. et.Al. (1972), The Limits to Growth, Universe Books, New York.

• Sen A.K. (Ed.) (1990), Growth Economics, Penguin, Harmondsworth.

• Solow, R.M. (2000), Growth Theory : An Exposition, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

• Taylor, J. (1979), Macro Models for Developing countries, McGraw Hill, New York.

• Therberge, Al (1968), Economics of trade and Development, John wiley, New York.

• डॉ. मंुकु द महाजन - िवकासाच े अथ+शा..

• एस. डी. तुपे - िवकासाचे अथ+शा..

• आथक िवकास आिण संशोधन प#दती - भोसले, काटे, दामजी.

Page 17 of 22


B.A. Part III – Economics


(Paper – XV) Research Methodology

Semester pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)

Module 1: Research Methodology

1.1 Meaning and characteristics of research methodology.

1.2 Concept- meaning & Types of Concept

1.3 Hypothesis – meaning, types, tests for useful hypothesis

1.4 Importance of Hypothesis

Module 2: Stages of Research

2.1 Selection of topic and Objectives setting

2.2 Research Design –meaning and Types

2.3 Characteristics of good research design

2.4 Significance of research design

Module 3: Methods of Collecting Information

3.1 Data Collection – Primary and Secondary Data

3.2 Questionnaire and Interview- Meaning and techniques

3.3 Observations and Case Study – meaning and technique

3.4 |Sources of Secondary Data

Module 4: Report Writing (Lectures:15)

4.1 Objectives of report writing

4.2 Steps in report writing

4.3 Contents of report

4.4 Characteristics of good report writing

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Basic Reading List

• Good and Hatt –(1981) Methods in Social Research, McGraw Hill International

Book Company, New Delhi.

• Kerliger F.N.-(1983)Foundation of Behavioural Research, Surjeet Publication,Delhi.

• Young P. V.-(1960)Scientific Social Survey and Research, Asia Publication


• Kothari C.R. –(1993) Research Methodology-Methods and Techniques, Wiley

Eastern Ltd.,New Delhi.

• Lundbrg G.A.-(1960) Social Research, Longmans Green and Company, New York.

• Herekar D.M.-(2008)Research Methodology and Project Work, Phadake


• Settiz Claire,Jahoda Marie and Others(1959)Research Methods in Social

Research,Dryden New York.

• Takur Dvendra-(1997)Research Methodology in Social Sciences, Deep and Deep

Publication,New Delhi.

• Gupta S.P.and Gupta M.P.-(2005)Business Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi

• Gupta C.B.-(1996) An Introduction to Methods, Vikas Publication House,New Delhi.

• डॉ. मुकंु द महाजन - िवकासाच े अथ+शा.

• एस. डी. तुपे - िवकासाचे अथ+शा.

• अथ+शा.ीय संशोधनाची त;ड ओळख - डॉ. पाटील/ता?हणकर/पठाण

• सामािजक संशोधन प#दती - डॉ. भांडारकर पु.ल.

• संशोधन प#दती व संAयाशा. - ग. िव. कंु भोजकर.

• अथ+शा.ीय संशोधन प#दती - भोसले, काटे, दामजी.

Page 19 of 22



B.A. Part III – Economics.

(Paper – XI) Agricultural Economics (I)

Semester pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)


The importance of agriculture in the Indian economy hardly needs to be emphasized.

The paper on agricultural economics highlights important aspects of the agricultural

development and planning in India. The paper is split into many chapters; each chapter

discusses an aspect of Indian agriculture and role of agriculture in Indian economy. This

paper also tries to explore the new techniques in agriculture and the changes in agriculture

in the contexts of Globalisation.


Module 1 : Rural Economy of India (Lectures:15)

1.1 Characteristics of rural economy

1.2 Place of agriculture in rural economy

1.3 Diversification of agriculture, agriculture and allied activities

1.4 Rural industrialization: Role of agro – based industries

Module 2: Land Reforms in India (Lectures:15)

2.1 Problems of Marginal and Small farmers

2.2 Need for land reforms in India

2.3 Review of land reforms programme in India

2.4 Critical evaluation of land reforms programme in India

Module 3 : Development of Agriculture (Lectures:15)

3.1 Agricultural productivity – regional variations, causes of low productivity, remedies

3.2 Linkages between agricultural and non-agricultural sector

3.3 Cropping pattern in India-recent trends, factors affecting cropping pattern

3.4 Irrigation in India- sources and progress

Module 4 : Technological Changes in Agriculture (Lectures:15)

4.1 Traditional and modern Technology in Agriculture

4.2 Recommendations of National Commission on Farmers (2004)

4.3 Use of Bio-technology

4.4 New agricultural technology and employment

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B.A. Part III – Economics.

(Paper – XVI) Agricultural Economics (II)

Semester pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)

Module 1: Agricultural Finance (Lectures:15)

1.1 Need for agricultural credit

1.2 Sources of agricultural credit in India –Institutional and Non-institutional sources

1.3 Role of NABARD in agricultural finance

1.4 Problem of rising suicides among farmers

Module 2: Agricultural Marketing (Lectures:15)

2.1 Defects of agricultural marketing and its measures

2.2 Regulated markets

2.3 Co-operative marketing

2.4 Warehousing in India

Module 3: Agricultural Prices (Lectures:15)

3.1 Trends in agricultural prices

3.2 Agricultural price policy in India – objectives and its evaluation

3.3 Incentives in agriculture: Price and non-price incentives, input subsidies

3.4 Commission for agricultural costs and prices

Module 4: New Economic policy (1991) and Indian Agriculture (Lectures:15)

4.1 Agricultural development during New Economic Policy regime

4.2 Effects of New Economic Policy on Indian agriculture

4.3 W.T.O. and Indian Agriculture

4.4 Future prospects of Indian agriculture

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Basic Reading List

Agricultural Economics

• Bilgrami S.A.R. (2000) An Introduction of agricultural Economics



edition) Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.

• Sadhu A.N. and J. Singh (2000) Agricultural problems in India

(3rd Edition). Himalaya publishing House, Mumbai

• Sundaram I.S. (1999) Rural Development (3rd edition) Himalaya

Publishing House, Mumbai

• Handbook of Agriculture – ICAR.

• Agriculture Problems of India – C.B. Mamoria.

• Agriculture Problems of India – P.C. Bansil.

• Indian Economy : Latest Edition Agrawal A.N. (Vishwa Prakashan, New Delhi)

• कृषी अथ+शा. - िवजय किवमंडन.

• कृषी अथ+शा. आिण शेती Bयवसाय- देसाई, भालेराव.

• कृषी अथ+शा. - भोसले, काटे.

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B.A. Part III – Economics


Semester pattern syllabus (CBCS)

(w. e. f. June 2018)

Equivalent Subject for Old Syllabus (ECONOMICS)


Sr. No. Paper


Name of the Old Paper Name of the New Paper

1 VII Micro Economics Micro Economics (I)

2 VIII Macro Economics Macro Economics (I)

3 IX History of Economic Thought History of Economic Thought (I)

4 X Development and Research Methodology Economics of Development

5 XI Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics (I)


Sr. No. Paper


Name of the Old Paper Name of the New Paper

1 XII Micro Economics Micro Economics (II)

2 XIII Macro Economics Macro Economics (II)

3 XIV History of Economic Thought History of Economic Thought (II)

4 XV Development and Research Methodology Research Methodology

5 XVI Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics (II)

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